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原创: 知社 知社学术圈


冯元桢1919年生于江苏,美籍华人,国际知名力学家,生物力学开创者及奠基人,有“生物力学之父”美誉。美国国家科学院院士、美国国家工程院院士、美国国家医学院院士、中国科学院外籍院士、中国工程院外籍院士及台湾“中央研究院”院士。1992年,获得Timoshenko奖;2000年获美国科学最高荣誉“美国国家科学奖章”,为获此殊荣首位生物工程学家;2007年获得“拉斯奖”(Russ prize),以表彰他“鉴别与确定人体组织的结构与功能,使之有助于创伤的预防及减轻”的贡献。





20世纪60年代初,冯元桢教授致力于新兴交叉领域——生物力学的开拓,当时生物工程学研究尚处于萌芽阶段,冯元桢在其夫人——名医喻娴士教授的鼓励和支持下从动物解剖开始, 研究活组织、器官的生理和力学机理, 为生物力学开创道路。之后,他在发现人体血球、血管、微循环的奥秘方面取得重大突破,创立了著名的“冯氏隧道理论”。


1966 年,冯元桢教授在美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校创立生物工程系,并将工程学的原理运用于人体机能的研究,在这一领域内,冯元桢和他的实验室取得了三个具有里程碑性质的成就:生物软组织本构关系的研究;.以肺毛细血流片层流动(Sheet flow)模型为核心的肺血流动力学规律的研究;生物组织器官生长和应力的关系的研究。在冯元桢教授的领导下,加大圣地亚哥分校的生物工程研究与教学声名卓著、成果丰硕,并为开创新的医学疗法和增进人类健康建树良多,从而赢得了国际公认的领导地位。

沉痛悼念之际,我们选编了冯老摘获应用力学界最高奖项——“铁木辛科奖章”(Timoshenko Medal)时的获奖致辞,谨盼可以略略追慕先生风采。

First of all, let me thank those of you who worked hard to give me this honor. I know how much effort was involved. I want to thank Dr. Saric, Dr. Bogy, and all the Committee members who indulged in me. And thank you all here this evening. To Chia Shun's remarks I am speechless. I love him as a brother. I am proud to be praised by a sibling. He is the Timoshenko Professor at the University of Michigan. With this medal I can catch up with him to honor our hero.

I am very glad to be given this Award, because Timoshenko is my hero. His books on Elasticity, Elastic Stability, and Plates and Shells are the ones I cut my teeth on. Another hero of mine is Theodor von Karman. A third one is Poiseuille, who brought fluid mechanics to medicine. They are my idols, and I am very fortunate to have been given a von Karman medal by ASCE in 1976, a Poiseuille medal by the International Society of Biorheology in 1986, and a Timoshenko medal today. I would like to speak about them. I think they have a common feature in that they developed a mechanics of man, as distinguished from a mechanics of the heaven and earth.

In character, these three men were different. Timoshenko had a father image and is more immitigable. In the first lecture I heard from Timoshenko in 1949, he talked about how brilliant St. Venant was in science and engineering. He questioned why St. Venant was so obscure in French history. He searched for the reasons long and detailed. I felt it was like listening to a tale about a lost uncle on Christmas Eve.



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